How can we double our revenue or more through Diversity sourcing?

There are 350,000+ U.S. companies with a Supplier Diversity program waiting to give you more business when you work with Women-owned Businesses like ImEx Cargo

How many are YOUR clients?

Can your company GAIN a larger percentage of your clients’ marketing spend if you affiliate with a woman-owned business?

It PAYS to find out !!
  • With your existing clients.….

Tell them you have a WBE partner ImEx Cargo receiving a significant share of your data and analytics spend. Include this message in your presentations, too!

  • When presenting to new prospects……

Tell them about your partnerships with ImEx Cargo (WBE, DBE, WBENC, WOSB, EDWOSB, ACDBE, SLBE,SBE). It will give you a competitive advantage in their decision-making process.

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